Spooky Tunes

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...sold the first Cordwood Cabin Primitive on Ebay the summer of 2006, a primitive angel cradling her tiny sheep. Since then, she's stitched and studied the art of primitive dolls, creating over a dozen unique sock and muslin dolls based on primitive post-slavery styles, including the Plain and Prim Angels. Her favorite piece is (no surprise) that little angel and sheep. She's already hard at work on her next Christmas piece and sketching out plans for a new Cabin Crafts line on Etsy.


... has been with Cordwood Cabin Primitives since its first year. She paints, prims, and stitches dolls by hand, including the fabric-sculpted Haunted Hollows and Ghostly Gallows series. She also designed the Wonderland series for Spring 2008. Her favorite piece to date is Jack Frost (but blue Alice and Irving still tug at the heartstrings, too). She currently edits the Cordwood Cabin Primitives' Blog and Newsletter, along with creating new primitive pieces for Ebay and
Etsy, including a new line featuring Reggie-the-Crow and friends.

Laura R.

...stitched her first Cordwood Cabin Primitive this Halloween (Mummy Dearest and her Little Tut). Since then she designed two more Halloween primitives, helped organize the first-ever 99 Cent Sale and spent quality time auction templates and digital photos for the shop. Her favorite piece to date is the Halloween Black Cat Parade; her latest stitchery, a trio of Make-Do Snowmen, will be part of the Cordwood Cabin "Hard Times Christmas" ornies series for Christmas 2008.


...spends his time in the workshop creating tiny metal and wooden wonders for dolls (and bigger wooden items for people). His work has been pulled around in the form of tiny rolling carts, carried in the form of miniature pitchforks and pirate swords, and opened and closed in the form of primitive-style cupboards and pie safes. Being a perfection when it comes to sawing and measuring, he won't pick a favorite project (other than his front porch, finally finished last summer). A special series is planned tenatively for the spring featuring one-of-a-kind creations from the woodshop.